I have been “pushing” my watercolors into a new direction- combining them with ink and colored pencils and patterned papers. It’s a collage effect, but hopefully not too crafty. I want to convey the effect of altered surfaces and the impulse of control with lack of control. I love the precision of watercolors and the…

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I’ve been painting landscapes of winter lately, and though I have been loving doing so, the bare winter palette becomes so limited after days and days. I need flowers. I know it is a convention: painting pretty flowers. But it makes me so happy to look at flowers and their amazing color and variations, their…

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After more than a year and a half, I have been swept up into painting with watercolors again. It’s all I want to do. I have to limit myself, time wise to about 45 minutes or so in order to get all my other work done. It’s a busy time- finishing Christmas orders, doing CADs…

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I just returned from a lovely family holiday at Sea Ranch- a beautiful development of 1960’s beach houses along the Northern California coast. Here is a link to a NYTimes article about Sea Ranch: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/11/arts/design/sea-ranch-california.html?fbclid=IwAR0VZ65OLZsyLrslzG7RmhYamx1Zeq0eZqI220K69hMJRGVjzfjmT-ycM68.  It was a wonderful five days, with my mother meeting her 6-month old granddaughter, along with my brother and his wife…

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It’s only the second of December, and I may have had my fill of cold weather. I think the temperature has not gone about 40 degrees for two weeks. So, I try to see the beauty in all of it. There is a beautiful lavender glow on the snow- at sunrise and twilight and the…

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It’s been too long, but finally I have updated the shop on my website as well as my galleries and my schedule. I have been very busy, like a circus juggler with balls in the air. I found a little block of time (well, not so little) to clean things up and add new work….

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I am in the process of designing and creating samples for my upcoming shows. I realized last week that I had 4 groups, but none of them really featured BLUE. I gave myself a few days to come up with a palette that balanced with the other color palettes that I had already done, and…

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Julie Powell Design